Thursday, September 27, 2007

Preparing Liferay EXT environment

  • Install JDK and ANT.
  • Set JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME to your Ant and Java directories. Add JAVA_HOME\bin and ANT_HOME\bin to System Path.
  • Create a Liferay directory:
$HOME/liferay-devel (refered as {LIFERAY}).
  • Create a directory called:
and unzip de Liferay sources into it.

  • Create a file called:
release.{user name}.properties, where {user name} is the user name used to develop.
  • and put the next lines with the appropiate values:
  • If you expect to be using eclipse add also a property called with the desired name of the project:

  • Create a file called:
app.server.{user name}.properties
  • and put the next lines with the appropiate values:

  • Create a file called:
build.{user name}.properties
  • and put the next lines with the appropiate values:
javac.compiler=modern, for use Sun's compiler.

  • Go into {LIFERAY}/portal directory an execute:
> ant clean
> ant start
> ant build-ext

This must create a directory {LIFERAY}/ext (or what you called in lp.ext.dir) and create your EXT environment.
  • Copy files release.{user name}.properties, app.server.{user name}.properties and build.{user name}.properties to the {LIFERAY}/ext directory.
  • Go to the {LIFERAY}/ext/servers and execute:
> ant install-tomcat
It must download and install a tomcat liferay bundle into {LIFERAY}/tomcat.

  • The idea is to have:
{LIFERAY}/ext -> Your EXT environment to develop.
{LIFERAY}/portal -> The portal sources used to create the EXT.
{LIFERAY}/tomcat -> The server (lifery bundle) used to develop.

  • Now execute:
> chmod a+x {LIFERAY}/tomcat/bin/*.sh
  • and try to start liferay bundle:
> {LIFERAY}/tomcat/bin/ start

  • Connect to http://localhost:8080 (user, password test).

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Meta Tracker

MetaTracker is a powerful desktop-neutral first class object database, tag/metadata database, search tool and indexer...
To install on Ubuntu see:

Basically, Tracker indexes the content of your home directory allowing to search content like documents or music.